Feminizing Politics: Representational Ramification for Women in Indian Parliament


  • Dr. Neelu Anita Tigga




Women’s participation in Indian politics seems to augur well on two positions. To begin with, there has been their active involvement in politics as voters. Secondly, their increased number as electors have been actualized into increased party candidature in election to various levels of government. However, continued under-representation of women still remains a reality and is evident in the present Lower House of Indian Parliament (18th Lok Sabha).


The article presents an analysis of women’s voting patterns showing the lack of concerted effort by the different party leaderships to put in team more women candidates despite the rising women electorates. Under-representation lowers concerns affecting them from being reflected in policies, plans and projects implemented. “Women Reservation Bill” that found consent in both the houses of parliament in September 2023 will be instrumental in testing political parties' determination to be gender inclusive while giving the tickets to its candidates.



How to Cite

Dr. Neelu Anita Tigga. (2024). Feminizing Politics: Representational Ramification for Women in Indian Parliament. Journal of the Oriental Institute, ISSN:0030-5324 UGC CARE Group 1, 73(4), 307–318. https://doi.org/10.8224/journaloi.v73i4.444


