About the Journal

Kindly email your paper on Email id:  editorinchief.journaloi@gmail.com


The International Journal of the Oriental Institute, ISSN:  0030-5324,Included in UGC Care List, is published qaurterly the Oriental Institute, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Near Palace Gate, Palace Road, Vadodara-390 001, Gujarat, India.


Articles on Indology, Vedic studies, textual and cultural problems of the Ramayana, Epics & Puranas, notices of Manuscripts, reviews of books, survey of the rare works forming The MaharajaS ayajirao University Oriental Series,are some of the special features of this Journal.

Contributorsto Note:

Contributors to Note :
1. The Titles of articles, research paper  should be in Italics with proper diacritical marks e.g. 2. The names of certain General classes of works in transliteration should not be in Italics e.g.
Vedas, Upanisads, Puranas, (but with diacritical marks).
3. Abbreviations of the titles of Sanskrit works should not be in Italics, e.g. RV (for §gveda),
SV (S¢maveda) etc.
4. Proper names of person and place in transliteration, should not be in Italics but with diacritical
marks e.g. R¢ma, Pray¢ga etc.
6. In the Article Sanskrit quotations (Slokas in part or complete) should be in Devan¢gar¤
(In foot-notes also), Non-English stray words/ Sanskrit/ Prakrit words must be written in
transliteration, in Italics and with proper diacritical marks.
5. Epithets (adjectives) in transliteration should be in Italics e.g. Paulasatya, K¢rtavirya.
7. Whenever an Abbreviation is used in an article, its full form should be stated in first
occurrence and then that abridged form may be used for that full form in all over the article.
8. Reference should appear in footnotes at the bottom of each page. Foot-Notes below each page in rnning numbers should be with complete details in the following order:

9.For ‘Book Reviewers’, the order of Book’s description (to begin with) should be i) Name of the book (in Italics) with Vol. No. (if any), ii) Name of the Author /Editor, iii) Publisher, iv) Place, v) Year of Publication (with Edition), vi) Pages and Price, vii) ISBN (if there is any). The name of the reviewer should appear to the right side of the end and his/her address to the left side of the end.

10.Size of Fonts: Times New Roman in size 16 (bold & Cap) for Title, for body No. 14, for Foot-notes No. 10 with standard margin.

11.As per the Pre-publication Blind Reviewed policy, the reasons for rejection of an article are not disclosed to the contributor. The article may be sent to contributors 'to revise' according to suggestions of the editorial board before final decision of publication.

12.The Copyright of all articles published in the Journal will rest with the Oriental Institute.

13.A Contributor will be provided with a Complimentary copy of the Journal

The type written original manuscript should be submitted in A4 size paper (typed on 1 side)