Smart Water Management: Harnessing Internet of Things For Sustainable Conservation


  • Garima Mann


This study survey the incorporation of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in water preservation efforts. Exploration the prospective of IoT devices and sensors, the investigation focuses on maximising water usage, observing water quality, and executing intelligent irrigation systems. IoT-based water management system is a process of designing, assigning, and keeping under observation the water resources and keep up related apparatus like pipes and pumps etc with the assistance from IoT hardware and software. IoT-enabled water management systems use detectors, regulators, meters, and other apparatuses connected to mobile, web apps, and data processing and investigation tools. All this creates a platform for methodical water distribution system, freshwater quality investigation, contamination and adulteration detection, and more. The findings point to provide precious awareness for policymakers, water resources professionals, and technology creators, coming up with a more systematic and sustainable approach to water preservation in the era of interconnected devices.

The increasing global need for water necessitates imaginative approach to better water usage and extenuates the impact of water shortage. The amalgamation of IoT devices in water management systems warrants real-time observation, data analytics, and intelligent decision-making to increase overall water availability and efficiency.



How to Cite

Garima Mann. (2024). Smart Water Management: Harnessing Internet of Things For Sustainable Conservation. Journal of the Oriental Institute, ISSN:0030-5324 UGC CARE Group 1, 73(3), 436–447. Retrieved from


