"From Classroom to Equality: Unveiling the Educational Journey for Gender Justice"


  • Pratibha


Education is important for all men and women, irrespective of their caste, race, religion, place of birth and residence. Education is power which not only strengthen a person but empower the whole community. Education to everyone leads the country towards sustainable development and gives rise of many economic and developmental opportunities that benefit the entire state. These benefit includes gender equality, higher family income, reduction of dependence of women on men or family, normalizing working of women in different sectors, opportunity to choose spouse, economic opportunities, improved health and less mental disabilities and disorders in females and many more.



How to Cite

Pratibha. (2024). "From Classroom to Equality: Unveiling the Educational Journey for Gender Justice". Journal of the Oriental Institute, ISSN:0030-5324 UGC CARE Group 1, 73(2), 662–668. Retrieved from https://journaloi.com/index.php/JOI/article/view/209


