The Contribution of New Ventures to Economic Growth


  • Dr. Tarun Lata Balyan


The document discusses the significance of startups in driving economic development, particularly in the context of India's economy. It highlights how startups, driven by innovation and technology, contribute to economic growth by addressing existing challenges in various sectors. The Startup India initiative, led by the Indian government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, aims to support aspiring entrepreneurs in realizing their business ideas and fostering economic growth. Startups are recognized as crucial drivers of innovation and growth, with India emerging as a prominent hub for startups globally. The paper outlines the evolution of India's startup ecosystem, emphasizing the role of government initiatives in creating a conducive environment for startup growth. It discusses the stages of startup growth, the ecosystem supporting startups, including the role of incubators, and the importance of intellectual property protection. Furthermore, the study underscores the entrepreneurial role in stimulating economic activities, not only in the industrial sector but also in agriculture and services. Entrepreneurs are likened to gamblers, whose success depends on having the right resources and support. The document emphasizes the positive impact of entrepreneurship on job creation and economic growth, advocating for a balanced approach to nurturing entrepreneurship for the benefit of both the economy and society.



How to Cite

Dr. Tarun Lata Balyan. (2024). The Contribution of New Ventures to Economic Growth. Journal of the Oriental Institute, ISSN:0030-5324 UGC CARE Group 1, 73(3), 238–244. Retrieved from


