Leveraging health care @ Artificial Intelligence (AI)


  • Anish Patnaik1, Sonali Satpathy2, Ansh Patnaik3


Artificial intelligence plays a key part in all facets of human life- and deployed from a technical perspective it is intended to improve human prosperity. In this context, and specifically in health care field, artificial intelligence is beginning to emerge expeditiously. Artificial intelligence has enabled resaerchers to access various areas within research which were previously inaccessible, to identify and enhance disease identification, the severity of the disease, enhance levels of prevention, and identify potential treatments and cures. Healing masters were traditionally used to forecast, or estimate, are now becoming main stream with the use of artificial intelligence (AI), since AI is providing a more advanced level of knowledge in healthcare in the form of revolutionizing processes and the development of smart instruments. By integrating artificial intelligence and the Cyberspace of Things (IoT), compact and movable manoeuvres are immediately making human growth more achievable. Apart from supporting, and diagnosing human illness and ailments such as Alzheimer's diseases, AI is now becoming commonplace to determine appropriate approaches to identify various intelligence disorders. Determining the potential of AI to support patient and health management this study is explored patient's and health management providers’perception towards AI. The sphere of the study participants were specialty private emergency rooms in the capital domain of Odisha. India. In total 157 samples from collected from technicians, laboratory helpers, nurses and administrative staffs over a 3 months during March 2024 to May 2024. The entire analysis considered five parameterswhich included robot helped incision, virtual nursing and managerial workflow helper, fraud discovery and medicine error recognition, computerised image diagnosis and security, related medical devices and labelling of clinical trial shareholders.



How to Cite

Anish Patnaik1, Sonali Satpathy2, Ansh Patnaik3. (2024). Leveraging health care @ Artificial Intelligence (AI). Journal of the Oriental Institute, ISSN:0030-5324 UGC CARE Group 1, 73(2), 567–591. Retrieved from https://journaloi.com/index.php/JOI/article/view/169


